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3 Common Misconceptions About Assessments
Misconception #1 “Assessments All Measure the Same Thing” To tell a more complete story about a person, multiple assessments should be employed. Based on a

6 Workforce Trends for 2019
Our Partner, TTI Success Insights has these six predictions for the coming year. Micro Careers will continue to be on the rise Work/Life Balance will

In Search of Myers-Briggs Value
Is Myers-Briggs Totally Meaningless? I believe that improving your self awareness and gaining the ability to understand and relate to others has a lot of value.

Job Matching: The Key To Performance
A New White Paper on Job Matching Recruiting talented candidates is not enough. It’s crucial that people are assigned to specific roles, where their talents

The Future of Talent at Work
My colleague Shawn Kent Hayashi’s presentation at a local TED event explores a world where people’s jobs match their motivators and the potential for enhancing

Video on Talent Assessment
Tom Lemanski is featured in this Comcast local access segment with Michelle Kabele. Tom discusses case studies and uses for the TriMetrix™ talent assessment system.

Behavior Assessment for Your Pet
Do you want to better understand your pet? This free, fun survey is designed for dog and cats. It was created by the principals of

The Legal Risk of Viewing Job Candidates’ LinkedIn Profiles
I thought that nearly everyone uses LinkedIn to gather background information on the important business relationships. But at a Labor and Employment Law Seminar for

Tackling The Truth of Turnover
I’ve long been a believer that businesses owners must maintain an awareness of their standing in two highly competitive and equally important arenas. Competition for

Missing Pieces to The Performance Puzzle
According to the book, Play to Your Strengths, “human capital is the biggest investment about which management knows the least.” Each year, the typical American

Two Tips for Effective Job Board Posts
An effective job posting must strike a balance between attraction and qualification. While these two objectives may seem to be in conflict, they needn’t be.

The Three Most Important Interview Questions
According to Forbes columnist George Bradt, there are only three true job interview questions. They are: Can you do the job? Will you love the

Talent Selection Autopsy
Our Job Benchmarking system for first capturing the DNA of the job and then assessing qualified candidates’ Talent DNA proves to be successful for making

How To Answer Talent Assessment Survey Questions
I noticed that some of the visitors to this site are searching for insight on answering talent assessment questions. Based on my experience with using

Finding Your Hidden Talents
From AmEx OPEN Forums, here are 5 ways to find your hidden talents.

Attributes of The Serial Entrepreneur
Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur? Here are the results of a study on the most common behaviors, skills and drivers

Imagine… An Operating Manual for People!
I’m not certain if this is an American male trait, of if applies beyond us US guys. I’m referring to the mantra for using any

Ideal Hires Guaranteed?
While I believe that the title of this article and over promises, the content is valuable. While there are no guarantees, Mr. Logan shares some useful perspectives.

Seduced by Stardom?
John Elway is the new Executive Vice president of Football Operations for the Denver Broncos. Will he succeed in achieving measurable results? Or will he follow in Michael Jordan’s executive footsteps.

New Recruiting Media Attracts More Passionate Candidates
A local specialty retailer recently discovered an effective new media for recruiting new store sales associates. Their initial results are fantastic as candidates attracted by this media come to them with an invaluable intangible. They already have a passion for the store’s products. What is this new media?