3 Common Misconceptions About Assessments

Misconception #1


“Assessments All Measure the Same Thing"

To tell a more complete story about a person, multiple assessments should be employed. Based on a case study of 76 serial entrepreneurs that participated in the study.


of respondents are correctly classified using SINGLE SCIENCE of adapted behaviors. 


of respondents are correctly classified using the Multi-Science Tool TriMetrix® DNA Legacy.

Misconception #2

apples & oranges

“All Assessments are created equal"

Just as no one will ever confuse a rusted out Pinto with a sleek, world-class, high-performance

Assessments come in all shapes, sizes and levels of quality. Work with a company that has a proven track record of success.

“There isn’t proof that assessments are accurate.”

Any worthwhile company will support their assessments with extensive, proven research that confirms the validity of the assessments.

Measuring quantifiable aspects of a person such as behaviors and motivators can be PROVEN VALID.



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